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Rabu, 02 Januari 2013



The Cronicles of The Dragron Brethren:
Narendra Stanislaus Martosudarmo
(13,5 x 23) cm; 205 hlm;  bookpaper; 2013
ISBN: 978-602-97719-7-8
Rp 80.000,00

Terbitan Terbatas
The Chronicles of the Dragon Brethren is a series of novels that I am currently writing. The characters in the novels are all dragons, and I am basing nearly all of them on my friends and peers from the school that I am currently studying.  I am the main character in the story. Because every one of my peers and friends have been so helpful and friendly towards me, I want to dedicate these novels to them by naming and basing the characters after each of them, and making them all dragons in my novels. 

There are seven different species of dragons in the novels and each and every one of my friends is portrayed as a dragon that shares the same personalities and appearances as them in real life. For example, if some of my friends are social, fast, and agile, their dragon is the Skyscale, a dragon that is speedy and alert on land or in air, and can shoot streams of wind from its mouth, as well as creating large gusts of wind by flapping its wings. If some of my friends are strong, courageous, and athletic, their dragon is the Flamefang, a large dragon that is fierce in battle, able to breathe copious amount of fire, and has the nasty habit of setting itself on fire to deter its enemies. Because I have quite a different personality than my friends, my dragon is the Thundertalon, the rarest and the fastest of all the dragons that has razor-sharp wings, a deadly roar, and the capability of shooting streams of lightning from its mouth. 

Like all main protagonists in many fantasy novels, I needed to have a love interest to add some romantic moments in the story. Because I see every girl in my grade as my sisters, I needed to find somebody outside my school to be my love interest. I do have numerous friends, some who are girls and are not at my school, but there is one girl in particular who has been very kind, helpful, and understanding towards me over the past few months. She and I have many things in common and I thought she could be my best friend in the first novel of the series, and later on will become my love interest in the novels that follow as our friendship grows into something that is much more powerful.

The story of how we met happened around 3 years ago. I was joining a youth camp at a resort, in the mountains of Bogor. The weather was mildly cool and the temperature of the air was cold, but much colder in the night. I was out sitting on a bench near the swimming pool looking for ideas and inspiration to write a novel and so far, it was not much of a success. Just when I was starting to run out of ideas, a female voice greeted me from behind. I turned around and I saw her for the very first time. She was around my age, a little shorter than me, with long, gleaming black hair, dark brown eyes, and a friendly smile. We introduced ourselves and she told me that our parents and older sisters were friends, so I immediately thought the two of us could be friends too. Since then, we spent a lot of time together around the resort. One night, I told her that I was looking for inspiration to write a novel. She then said that my story should be something about forming friendships, fighting enemies, and finding love, so that hopefully the book could become a best seller one day. I said to her that I’ve got great friends at my school, and I’ve learnt to stand up against those who have bossed me around and that I was on a sole quest to find the right girl for me. She then replied that sometimes love can be found in one of our closest friends. 

Within minutes I was struck with dozens of inspirations. I decided to write a novel that would contain friendship, action, mystery, comedy, and romance. She then added that the novel could be a part of a much bigger story, and that inspired me to write a series of novels. I was also inspired at the thought of the characters being my friends as dragons because dragons have fascinated me ever since I was a small kid. Since that night, I thanked her and owed her one big time, and she said no problem. When the holidays were about to end, she and I said our farewells, and I promised that I would dedicate my novel to her. That was the origin of the creation of ‘The Chronicles of the Dragon Brethren.’

Terbitan Baru "SPIRITUAL POPULAR" di Akhir Tahun 2012

Matius PS

(13,5 x 21) cm; 106 + vi hlm; HVS 70 gr; berwarna, 2012

No. ISBN: 978-602-97719-6-1
Rp 30.000

Sebuah buku spiritual popular yang berbicara bukan tentang religi, tetapi hal ilahi. Kumpulan sejumlah sketsa kehidupan dari kisah-kisah nyata. Setiap kisah diakhiri dengan petikan hikmah dari kisah-kisah itu. 

Terbitan "KIAT MELAWAN NASIB" di Akhir Tahun 2012

Matius PS

(15 x 23) cm; 152 + viii hlm; HVS 70 gr; berwarna, 2012

No. ISBN: 978-602-97719-5-4
Rp 50.000

Buku “Siapa Bilang Yesus=Tuhan?” memaparkan sejumlah kisah nyata, di antaranya  penulis sendiri sebagai dukun putih. Dari kisah-kisah itu pergulatan apakah Yesus Tuhan berlangsung hingga adanya sebuah jawaban. 

            Yesus tidak membuat religi apapun. Dia menawarkan Jalan-Nya serta Kerajaan-Nya, Kerajaan Allah bagi manusia. Manusia bersukubangsa apa saja, berkaum apa saja, berbahasa apa saja. Seperti apapun latar belakangnya. Di hadapan-Nya  semua sama.